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All Night Long by Car, The garden

kiah/en. xe+. asian filo.

abt me!

hi! im kiah or en. ?teen and im asian filipino. ♥ fashion pink romance movies rain kdramas music pinterest films. please bmf if u have the same interests and play roblox w me ! lol


(1) im a minor (2) i suck at convos (3) i go ia randomly (4) sometimes spam posts (5) selective (6) delete tweets often (7) sb 2 unfollow


(1) -12 (2) basic dni (3) use fancy fonts (4) anti of my faves (5) won't interact (6) can't take jokes (7) dry texter (8) overly sensitive (9) sexualize minors or anyone in general


twillight, mean girls, scream queens, stranger things, conjuring, anne with e, gilmore girls, jumanji, insidious, barbie


沈月 + 周也 ♥ twice sana dahyun lesserafim izone jennie + jisoo winwin ☆ newjeans! minji hanni


run on, youth of may, crash landing on you, bussiness proposal, a love so beautiful, put your head on my shoulder, fight for my way, my name, its okay to not be okay, alchemy of souls